Our Donors

CMSP wishes to extend a heartfelt thank you to the following donors and foundations who have generously supported our work with a gift. Our work would simply not be possible without you. Thank you!

Ament, Bernard and Judy
Ampe, Paul
Anderson, Paul and Martha
Arnold, Tom & Pat
Ausban, Angelina & Smith, Kevin
Bales, Mayuli
Barnett, Maxine
Bartell, Aaron
Batty, Rose
Bauer, Michael & Lucille
Bengtson, Fred and Karen
Berg, Sonja
Bineham, Jeff & Jeanette
Bjorklun, Eugene & Mary Margaret
Blenkush, Michelle and Michaels, Daniel
Blomgren, Nancy
Bollinger, Barbara
Bolton-Smith, Tim and Jody
Bradbury, Warren & Jackie
Bremer Bank – St Cloud
Brumbaugh, Deborah
Bublitz, Diane & Carl
Bunger, Robert and Marsha
Burch, Mildred
Byrne, Philip and Jayne
Cafe Renaissance
Callanan, Dodi
Campbell, Deborah & Larry
Carlson, Barbara
CentraCare Health Foundation
Chester Park United Methodist Church
City of St Cloud
Clancy, Jeanette
Central MN Community Foundation
Cofell, Ann
Cofell, William and Lorraine
Crete, Winnette
Cunningham, Mary
Davis, Harry
Davis, Warren & Mary
DeGiovanni, Jim & Mary
DeLand, Tami and Hansen, Steve
Dibb, Jill
Doering, Wanda
Doom, Andrew and Kathleen
Dorholt, Zachary
Dorsher, Joanne & Paul
Dubin, Susan
Ehlenz, Richard & Renee
Ellison-Palm, Jane & Glen
Engblom, Kathleen
Engman, Lynn & Fred
Erickson, Debra & Jason
Ernst, Pat & Charles
Esch, Emily & Henry,Gavin
Ewing, James and Anne
Fark, Dan & Jane
Fines, Steve and Bonnie
First United Methodist Church
Florea, Camelia and Cristian
Foster, Judy
Freeman, Shannon
French, Jacque
Frost, Annah & Jeremy
Fulton, Robert and Karyn
Furda, David
Garrison, Chris and France, Laura
Garven, Carolyn & Jim
Gibson,Donald and Janice
Good Earth Co-op
Graeve, James & Mary Ann
Grande Depot Farmers Market
Greaves, Maria & Ed
Gustafson, Bradley
Haak, Robert & Jill
Hackett, Patty
Haider, Bill & Marlene
Hall, Laurel
Hamilton, Barb
Hamilton, Carol
Hanato, Megumi
Hanks, Bob & Sue
Hanzsek-Brill, Daniel and Melissa
Hark, Larene
Harper/Benson, Jessie & Mick
Harrison, Kelly and Kim
Haws, Larry & Faye
Hedlund, Scott and Nee, Patricia
Helgeson, Michael and Karel
Hennes, Dianne
Hentges, Bruce & Colleen
Hill-Rowen, Bruce and Fran
Hoppe, Michael and Julie
Howard, Jerald and Juliann
Howard, Mary T.
Hultgren, Dayton D.
Initiative Foundation
Inkster, Bob & Christine
Johnson, Cliff & Betty
Johnson, Cynthia
Johnson, Krister & Michelle
Johnson, Randy & Carla
Jules Bistro
Kandl, Susan
Kane, Joanne
Kasling, Theresa
Kaufman, Linda
Kearns, Charles & Ellen
Keller, Marly
Kelly, David and Suzanne
Kendall, Robert & LuBell
Kern, John and Noel
Kiley, Michael & Jennifer
Knutson, Ruth
Konz, Debi
Kritzeck, Eva
Krueger, John and Patricia
Kuhl, Donna and Mahwold, John
Lambeck, Amanda
Lambecker, Otto and Elizabeth
Larkin, Andrew
Lavenda, Robert & Schultz, Emily
Lechner, Katie
Leitch/Gorcica, Lori & Bill
Leither, Thomas and Deanne
Lewis, Richard and Carol
Lewis, Willie
Lindquist, Dr. W. Leland & Julie
Liveringhouse, John and Sarah
Lower, Kevin
Lucius, Richard and Paula
Magnuson, Pat
Manoto, Mwgumi
Martinez, Eduardo and Julia
Matsura, Joyce & John
McCarl, Deb and Skurdahl, Marilyn
McCarter, Maureen & Jerry
McCarty, Jason and Sara
McKibben, Elizabeth
McNelly, Linda & Jim
Meier, Bill & Linda
Merchant, Niloufer
Miller, Nancy & Michael
Miller, Rick
Mohs, Bruce
Molitor, Dennis and Rose
Morgan Family Foundation
Mork, Ellen
Muggli, Louise
Mullen, Patrick and Catherine
Navratil, Curtis and Nicole
Nelson, Connie
Nelson, Kent & Barb
Ness, Mary and Hengel,  Jerry
Nguyen, Hoang and Quyen
Nichol/Smith, Carol Jean and Wayne
Nielsen, Brent and Elisa
Nolan, Anne
O’Hara, Mike & Sue
Oestreich, Nancy
Ohmann, Ron & Myrna
Oleson, Chauncey & Carol
Olsen, Jane
Orionzi, Florence
Osaki Holm, Susie
Osgood, Joe
Owens, Isaac
Palmersten, Louis and Pamela
Parsons, Janelle
Peck, John & Linda
Pederson, Irene
Pehler, James & Beverly
Perry, Neil & Nancy
Peters, Monica
Petersen, Jerilyn and Douglas
Petersen, Melissa
Pierson, Katrina & John
Podawiltz, Mike & Diana
Primus, Nethania
Raber, Dean and Carrie
Rehkamp, Dave & Linda
Reif, Toni
Reinholz, Scott and Karen
Riley, Susan and Johnston, Louis
Roberts, Susan
Rogers, David and Elizabeth
Rogers, Joe
Rogosheske, Judy
Rogosheske,Philip and Valerie
Romanowsky, Ann & Jim
Rowen, Bruce
Rush Finn, Daniel and Nita Jo
Rybak, R.T. and O’Hara, Megan
Sales, Jerry & Donna
Saliares, Randy
Schoen, Wendy
Schoephoerster, George and Jeannie
Schwartz, Alex & Ann
SCSU Farmers Market
SD #14 DFL
Seaborn, Cristina and Walter, Richard
Shimota, Virginia
Sibley, Thomas & Galovich, Jennifer
Skow, Bob & LaVonne
Skurdahl, Marilyn
Smith, Kevin
Smoger, Fred
Snyder, Corwin (Buzz) & Cathy
St Cloud Neighborhood Coalition
St Cloud Unitarian Universalist Fellowshi
St Joseph Family Chiropractic
Staples, Lissa
Staples, Pauline
Stephens, Charlotte & Olson,  Lowell

Strandemo, Barb & Gary
Stromwall, Rich and Judy
Studer, Ric
Summers, Marcia
Supan/Schupp, Laura & Keith
Theilen, Carol
Thielen, Lois
Thoms/Finan, Christopher and Ann
Tompkins/Lalor, Paula & Ed
Turk, JaLayne
US Postmaster
Van Nostrand, Dave & Catharine
Villanueva, Margaret
Vollen, Talliev (Tolly) & Karen
Von Korff, Gerald & Connie
Wahlstrom, Robert & Ellen
Walthour, Jeanne and David
Ward, Toy
Watercott, Kimberly
Weiler/Gerads, Carol & Jerry
Weis, Denis & Jo
Weisz, Joanne
Wells, Scott
Welter, Patricia
Western Community Action
White, Elena & Jim
Whitlock, Dan & Judy
Widick, Paul & Carol
Williams/Eckblad, Bev & Steve
Wolfer, Hideko
Women’s Fund of the CMCF
Zahn, Lisa & George

* Please note that this list reflects donors through 11-14-2011. An updated list will be added very soon. Please alert us if your name has inadvertently been omitted or if you would like to be recognized differently.