Knutson, Ruth |
Konz, Debi |
Kritzeck, Eva |
Krueger, John and Patricia |
Kuhl, Donna and Mahwold, John |
Lambeck, Amanda |
Lambecker, Otto and Elizabeth |
Larkin, Andrew |
Lavenda, Robert & Schultz, Emily |
Lechner, Katie |
Leitch/Gorcica, Lori & Bill |
Leither, Thomas and Deanne |
Lewis, Richard and Carol |
Lewis, Willie |
Lindquist, Dr. W. Leland & Julie |
Liveringhouse, John and Sarah |
Lower, Kevin |
Lucius, Richard and Paula |
Magnuson, Pat |
Manoto, Mwgumi |
Martinez, Eduardo and Julia |
Matsura, Joyce & John |
McCarl, Deb and Skurdahl, Marilyn |
McCarter, Maureen & Jerry |
McCarty, Jason and Sara |
McKibben, Elizabeth |
McNelly, Linda & Jim |
Meier, Bill & Linda |
Merchant, Niloufer |
Miller, Nancy & Michael |
Miller, Rick |
Mohs, Bruce |
Molitor, Dennis and Rose |
Morgan Family Foundation |
Mork, Ellen |
Muggli, Louise |
Mullen, Patrick and Catherine |
Navratil, Curtis and Nicole |
Nelson, Connie |
Nelson, Kent & Barb |
Ness, Mary and Hengel, Jerry |
Nguyen, Hoang and Quyen |
Nichol/Smith, Carol Jean and Wayne |
Nielsen, Brent and Elisa |
Nolan, Anne |
O’Hara, Mike & Sue |
Oestreich, Nancy |
Ohmann, Ron & Myrna |
Oleson, Chauncey & Carol |
Olsen, Jane |
Orionzi, Florence |
Osaki Holm, Susie |
Osgood, Joe |
Owens, Isaac |
Palmersten, Louis and Pamela |
Parsons, Janelle |
Peck, John & Linda |
Pederson, Irene |
Pehler, James & Beverly |
Perry, Neil & Nancy |
Peters, Monica |
Petersen, Jerilyn and Douglas |
Petersen, Melissa |
Pierson, Katrina & John |
Podawiltz, Mike & Diana |
Primus, Nethania |
Raber, Dean and Carrie |
Rehkamp, Dave & Linda |
Reif, Toni |
Reinholz, Scott and Karen |
Riley, Susan and Johnston, Louis |
Roberts, Susan |
Rogers, David and Elizabeth |
Rogers, Joe |
Rogosheske, Judy |
Rogosheske,Philip and Valerie |
Romanowsky, Ann & Jim |
Rowen, Bruce |
Rush Finn, Daniel and Nita Jo |
Rybak, R.T. and O’Hara, Megan |
Sales, Jerry & Donna |
Saliares, Randy |
Schoen, Wendy |
Schoephoerster, George and Jeannie |
Schwartz, Alex & Ann |
SCSU Farmers Market |
SD #14 DFL |
Seaborn, Cristina and Walter, Richard |
Shimota, Virginia |
Sibley, Thomas & Galovich, Jennifer |
Skow, Bob & LaVonne |
Skurdahl, Marilyn |
Smith, Kevin |
Smoger, Fred |
Snyder, Corwin (Buzz) & Cathy |
St Cloud Neighborhood Coalition |
St Cloud Unitarian Universalist Fellowshi |
St Joseph Family Chiropractic |
Staples, Lissa |
Staples, Pauline |
Stephens, Charlotte & Olson, Lowell
Strandemo, Barb & Gary |
Stromwall, Rich and Judy |
Studer, Ric |
Summers, Marcia |
Supan/Schupp, Laura & Keith |
Theilen, Carol |
Thielen, Lois |
Thoms/Finan, Christopher and Ann |
Tompkins/Lalor, Paula & Ed |
Turk, JaLayne |
US Postmaster |
Van Nostrand, Dave & Catharine |
Villanueva, Margaret |
Vollen, Talliev (Tolly) & Karen |
Von Korff, Gerald & Connie |
Wahlstrom, Robert & Ellen |
Walthour, Jeanne and David |
Ward, Toy |
Watercott, Kimberly |
Weiler/Gerads, Carol & Jerry |
Weis, Denis & Jo |
Weisz, Joanne |
Wells, Scott |
Welter, Patricia |
Western Community Action |
White, Elena & Jim |
Whitlock, Dan & Judy |
Widick, Paul & Carol |
Williams/Eckblad, Bev & Steve |
Wolfer, Hideko |
Women’s Fund of the CMCF |